Eine AUSWAHL aus dem Repertoire meiner Klaviermusik...


All of me, As time goes by, Besame mucho, Embraceble you, Ev'ry time we say goodbye, Fly me to the moon, It's only a papermoon, I've got you under my skin, Misty, Moonlight serenade, Moon river, New York New York, Night and day, One note samba, Over the rainbow, Spanish eyes, Strangers in the night, The girl from Ipanema, The lady is a tramp, The look of love, The shadow of your smile, True love, Unforgettable, What a difference a day made, When I fall in love...


All by myself, Candle in the wind, Can you feel the love tonight, Circle of life, Father and Son, Hello, I will always love you, Just the way you are, Mandy, My heart will go on, My way, One moment in time, Saving all my love for you, Smoke get's in your eyes, Something stupid, Tears in heaven, To make you feel my love, What a wonderful world, Yesterday, You'll be in my heart, You raise me up, You've got a friend...


Can´t buy me love, Dancing Queen, Didn't we almost have it all, Earth song, Endless love, For once in my life, How deep is your love, I just call to say I love you, I'm not in love, Isn´t she lovely, Just a gigolo, Just the way you are, Killing me softly, Love is in the air, My cherie amour, Oh happy day, Sunny, Thank you for the music, That´s what friends are for, The greatest love of all, Up where we belong, Waterloo, You are the sunshine of my life...


Cabaret, Hello Dolly, Ich hätt getanzt heut` Nacht, Memory, Summertime, The music of the night, Tonight, Wouldn't it be loverly, Wunderbar...


Aber bitte mit Sahne, Capri Fischer, Chanson d´ amour, Du kannst nicht immer siebzehn sein, Er gehört zu mir, Ein Bett im Kornfeld, Fremde oder Freunde, Griechischer Wein, Ich liebe das Leben, Ich war noch niemals in New York, Im Wagen vor mir, Marmorstein und Eisen bricht, Mit 66 Jahren, Que Sera, Quando quando, Siebzehn Jahr´, blondes Haar, Tränen lügen nicht, Wunder gibt es immer wieder...
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